If you feel your outer appearance doesn’t match who you are on the inside, Skinspirations can help you look more like the real you. Gender-aligning treatments can help you look more feminine or masculine without surgery and you can see results with just a single visit.
Multiple studies have shown that we make assumptions about people based on facial features. Important decisions in the workplace and social world are made purely on momentary first impressions that are literally and superficially skin-deep.
Gender-Aligning Esthetic Treatments Can Help Your Appearance Match Your Identity

Male or female aesthetics are no longer defined as black and white, and esthetic treatment goals are becoming more gender fluid.
Dr. Cynthia Elliott was recently quoted in MedAesthetics Magazine, explaining how minimally invasive cosmetic treatments can produce better harmony between a person’s outer appearance and inner identity. With current nonsurgical treatments, expertise, and an artistic eye, the clinicians at Skinspirations can provide you with a more feminine or masculine appearance depending on your goals.
Feminizing medical treatments
- Injectable fillers can provide feminine cheek and lip proportions, taper a square chin, make the forehead more convex, arch the brows, taper a square chin, and make the nose appear narrower.
- Botox-type treatments taper a square jawline, raise low brows, accent the upper lip, and minimize pore size and oil production.
- Permanent laser hair reduction removes facial stubble and unwanted hair anywhere on the body.
- Bioidentical hormone pellets can produce feminine hormone levels.
- Chemical peels can soften and smooth rough skin.
Masculinizing esthetic medical treatments
- Injectable fillers can widen the jawline, augment and square the chin, make the brow ridge appear more prominent, and make the nose appear more masculine.
- Botox-type injections can lower eyebrows and flatten the arches.
- Bioidentical hormone pellets can produce a more typical male hormone balance.
What to Expect With a Skinspirations Gender-Aligning Consultation
We know that with the current political climate in Florida, it may be difficult to find caring providers willing to help you look the way you feel. At Skinspirations, nothing makes us happier than helping each client’s appearance match their inner identity.
Skinspirations provides complimentary virtual and in-person consultations where we can discuss your goals and give you our educated opinions on the best treatment options to reach them. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, you can call us at 727.571.1923 or schedule it online here.
We look forward to meeting you.