Laser Skin Resurfacing

Ablative laser skin resurfacing removes outer layers of skin with precision to be replaced with new, smoother, tighter skin. There are two main types of ablative laser treatments, each with its advantages, and the clinicians at Skinspirations can help you decide which type is best for your goals. They've performed over 1,500 laser skin resurfacing treatments safely so you'll be in good hands with a treatment that's too aggressive for most medspas. 

Types of Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

Diagram showing difference between full field and fractionated laser skin resurfacing

Full-field laser resurfacing removes the entire surface of the area being treated down to a pre-determined depth while fractionated ablative resurfacing vaporizes columns of tissue, potentially up to deeper levels, leaving the spaces between columns intact.

Full-field laser skin resurfacing can smooth out etched lines in the skin and remove sun damage, raised pigmentation, and benign growths. It can also produce tightening of the treated areas. Healing from full-field laser skin resurfacing can take up to fourteen days, depending on the area treated, but it can produce dramatic results with just a single treatment. Full-field laser skin resurfacing has a higher risk of causing post-treatment pigment changes or infections than fractionated ablative laser resurfacing so it's important to discuss your options with an expert. 

Fractional ablative laser resurfacing vaporizes columns in the skin down to a pre-determined depth and percentage of columns, leaving intact skin between each column. The intact skin left in place releases healing factors that help the treated area heal much faster than with full-field resurfacing. Because the entire surface of the skin isn't being removed, the depth of the columns being vaporized can be deeper than what's possible when the full surface is removed. This is especially important for the treatment of scars, where full-field laser skin resurfacing can't be performed.

With ablative fractional resurfacing, crepey skin and fine lines can be smoothed out with only 5 to 7 days of downtime and with less risk of pigment changes or infection than full-field resurfacing. Up to 20% of the skin in a treated area can be replaced with new skin with each fractional ablative laser treatment.

Unlike full-field resurfacing, fractional resurfacing can be done anywhere on the body and in every skin type.

It's important to have aggressive treatments like laser skin resurfacing done by a clinician with extensive medical and laser resurfacing experience. Dr. Cynthia Elliott has not only been performing laser skin resurfacing treatments since 2008, but she also has over 15 years of experience in emergency and trauma medicine and is a certified laser trainer. With over 10 years of laser resurfacing experience while at Skinspirations, Kate Dellangelo, DNP is also extremely proficient in performing the procedure safely.  

Skinspirations' multiple laser resurfacing treatment options (described in more detail by following the links below), can improve wrinkles, "crinkles" (like fine "smoker's lines"), crepy skin anywhere on the body, sun damage, rough texture, some types of scars, and can remove raised brown spots & benign skin growths.

If you would like to learn more about whether a laser resurfacing treatment is the right choice for your appearance goals, schedule a complimentary consultation at Skinspirations by registering online here or by calling 727-571-1923.

Fractional Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

  • Woman lying on side in bikini

Fractionated ablative lasers like the Sciton Profractional at Skinspirations have revolutionized the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, poor texture, stretch marks and scars. It's finally possible to look 5-10 years younger after just 2 treatments and with only 4-5 days of social down time.

Ablative Full-Field Laser Resurfacing

  • blonde woman's face and hands without spots after IPL

Laser Resurfacing can be done over the entire face or only to those areas where fine lines may be prominent, such as around the eyes or mouth. Since often one area of the face like the eyes can make people assume you're older, treating that single area can take 10 years off of your appearance in one hour.


  • A young couple lying with man looking up at woman who is propped up on elbows

A LaserMicroPeel vaporizes away the outer 20 - 50 microns of treated skin to improve texture, sun damage, pore size appearance and fine lines. Unlike deeper Laser Peels, they can be done on any part of the body and are an excellent choice for removing sun damaged skin from the neck and chest.