With Renuva®, fat grafting results can be obtained without the need for liposuction.

Renuva® is a one of a kind injectable product that provides fat graft results anywhere in the body without the need for liposuction, producing results that can last up to ten years. By stimulating your body to produce fat where it’s injected, you can restore lost fat in bony hands, crepey necks, hollow cheeks or temples, hip dips, fill lines in the décolletage, cellulite dimples, and anywhere else that will benefit from restored contours and smoother skin.

The use of Renuva is restricted to only elite medical aesthetic injectors and Dr. Elliott was one of the first Renuva providers in the Tampa Bay area.

Renuva fat graft before and after photos

How Renuva® Works

Renuva® is the first and only treatment that stimulates the body to produce new fat cells in areas where it’s injected. It’s made from donated fat tissue that has been carefully processed, purified, and sterilized, following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s requirements for donor tissue. The fat cells are removed from the tissue but the growth factors, pr

Containing the same growth factors, collagen, and proteins present in autologous fat, Renuva® acts as a scaffold or honeycomb, that fills in with your own fat cells over time.

Since there is some variability among individuals in the amount of fat produced by Renuva®, two or three small treatments are recommended, done at least three months apart, to avoid over-correction. Maximum improvement is usually seen about six months after treatment.

What Renuva® Is Best For

Renuva® can be injected in any area where fat naturally exists and it can be used to provide small amounts of volume almost anywhere on the body. It’s commonly used to add volume to the face and hands and to correct depressed scars, cellulite dimples, and defects from liposuction. Renova can also be used to provide a thin layer of fat to smooth crepey skin.

When Renuva® Isn’t A Good Option

Renuva® is not recommended for use under the eyes or in the lips. When larger amounts of volume are desired, it may be more cost-effective to transfer your own fat. Renuva® is not a good treatment option if you desire maximum results immediately.

What To Expect With A Renuva® Treatment?

Renuva® treatments are very similar to treatments with dermal fillers. After photographs are taken, an anesthetic cream is applied for about fifteen minutes before the treatment is performed. Renuva® is then carefully placed under the skin and the treated area is massaged.

Some volume is noticed immediately but it slowly increases over the following months. Increasing volume from the new fat cells tends to become visible about twelve weeks after the treatment. Maximum results occur at about six months. Since there is some variability among individuals in the amount of fat produced by Renuva®, two or three small treatments are recommended, done at least three months apart, to avoid over-correction. 

Most Renuva® patients experience some swelling and mild tenderness in the treated areas for a few days to a week but occasionally it can last up to several weeks.

Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, Renuva® can’t be dissolved, so it’s recommended that you try a temporary filler to the area you’re considering for Renuva® first, to make sure you like the results.

Prices for Renuva® treatments start at $875 and the total cost is based on the amount used.

If you want to find out if Renuva® is a good treatment option for you, call us or email us for a complimentary consultation.